Avalon has the following autoset variables:
Check out HELP AVC for overview of the Avalon Virtual Client and HELP AUTOSET for current index of preset and autoset variables available per profession. This is separate to your personal variables which are set using VARS and VV commands and documented in HELP VARS.
Syntax: VARS.
Shows you all variables and their settings as current. This includes presets and player-defined variables and professional autoset and event/alert presets.
=@orfar is ORACLE FAR when in ethereal winds, else FAR anywhere else.
=@bondfar is BOND normally but last use can make it FAR BOND or PUPPET BOND
=@drink is random drink command: DRINK, SWIG, GUZZLE, QUAFF, SIP, IMBIBE.
=@ingest is random eat command: EAT, INGEST, CONSUME, DEVOUR, MUNCH.
=@smoke is random smoke command: SMOKE, PUFF, TOKE.
=@disp is your latest dispatch - the last one scribed or retrieved.
=@legion is the legion you most recently commanded or currently command.
=@flamerune is always set to the flame rune in your inventory or on ground.
=@arrowrune is set to the arrow/quarrel rune in your inventory or ground.
=@ankhrune is the ankh/dispersal rune in your inventory or ground.
=@pyramidrune is the pyramid/diffusion rune in your inventory or aground.
=@spiralrune is the spiral/zahir rune in your inventory or on the ground.
=@skullrune is the skull/strone rune in your inventory or on the ground.
=@keyrune is the key or tomb rune in your inventory or on the ground.
=@facerune is set to the face/mana drain rune in your inventory or room.
=@handrune is set to the hand/health weaken rune in your inventory or room.
=@target is the latest target for your strike attack.
=@mount is your current steed.
=@laststeed is your most recent steed or mount.
=@lastwax is the most recently used wax for bonding a target.
=@topenemy is highest enemy in land per ENEMIES list if unset then stays so until he/she logs out..
=@enemyhere is the highest enemy in your location per ENEMIES if unset then stays so until not.
=@lasthim is the current "him" as per your PRONOUNS.
=@lasther is the current "her" as per your PRONOUNS.
=@retarget is the last person to strike you / cause you potential fatal blow.
=@leavedir is set to the leave direction you last used by normal movement.
=@enterdir set to entry direction from normal move - opposite of @leavedir.
=@targetx is the exit used by the target on departure.
=@aimdirn is the direction of your target from your current location.
=@word# is the word in your input line, e..g. @word2 for second word.
=@from# means words from that word number in input, e..g. from3 means all words from three to end of line.
=@buffer places the input line from 2nd word onward.
=(@pent your professional pentacle or last used pentacle command.)
=@pipearkasu selects the pipe with arkasu or the empty pipe available
=@pipemegillos same but for megillos (with CONCENTRATION used if no pipes/megillos potential)
=@pipemalloran same but for malloran
=@usearkasu and indeed =@use<herb> will contain the next command required for using the specified herb e..g. @usearkasu if your pipe is unlit will be set to LIGHT PIPE1234 referring to your arkasu pipe, or if you have no arkasu in pipe PUT ARKASU IN PIPE1234, or if pipe is lit and full then SMOKE PIPE1234 will finally be used.
=@nritual informs the next ritual to dance advisory
=@ritualup selects sketch or dance or action for next Rituals setup
=@healthnow set to the number of your current health remaining
=@mananow stays set to the amount of mana you have remaining
Look at HELP <profession>SETS to look over the presets available profession by profession e..g. HELP KNIGHTSETS, HELP MAGESETS, HELP BARDSETS, HELP THIEFSETS, HELP SEERSETS, HELP DRUIDSETS, HELP LORESETS for Loremaster, HELP RANGERSETS, and HELP SORSETS for the Sorcerer.
See HELP VARS for placing variables in aliases, macros and triggers.