There are many forests around Avalon, a little more than a dozen of which possess what can only be classed as an independent, individualised consciousness. The greater the size of the forest, the more potent the consciousness; and the relationship between the forest and individuals (such as druids and rangers) lies at the core of sylvan lore and animism - their most specialist, powerful of skillsets. Affinity (or antipathy) of each forest is not limited to those with animism and sylvan lore. All actions, all events, all occurrences within the confines of the woodland perimeter are watched by the forest consciousness, and remembered indefinitely.
What you do within the forest, whether directly for/against it or in your interactions with other creatures or Avalonians - almost everything is used to define the opinion or "affinity" of woodland consciousness towards you. If your actions are of benefit to the forests, its creatures and its friends, then you will find you gain an affinity. If, conversely, they are detrimental then you will build its antipathy. The various ancient forests of Avalon tend to have a demeanour (usually defined by its soulmate - see HELP SOULMATES) and this demeanour, along with the forest's memory of a person's recent affinity-altering actions and circumstances (amongst other factors) contrive to modify the affinity gain or loss attributed to an individual player.
The masters of the sylvan lore and animism are able to harness this affinity or antipathy according to their will but the forests are also able to act autonomously... little is known of its powers save that they manifest only rarely but with enormous effect. The soulmate of a particular ancient woodland is invariably a ranger or animist of singular power, able to affect the very demeanour of the forest towards all mortalkind.
Type AFFINITY to gain an insight into the forest affinity based on your current location (i..e. you must be standing in one of the ancient woodland to perceive its feelings towards you).
If your affinity is suitably positive, you will also discern the forest's demeanour. Members of the Ranger and Druid professions will, furthermore, gain a list of most of the prominent forest-affinity altering actions and events; and when typed inside one of the ancient woodland, reveal also that forest's fundamental demeanour; guiding its general approach to mortalkind and affinity gain or loss.
The most ancient woodlands, as separate entities, are the Chetwood, Bedillam and G'harran. The largest is the Greenwood, followed by the Abbotswood and the Northern Greenwood. The Dark Forest, the Grey Forest, the Angelwood, the Whispering Wood, the Ash Forest and the Black Forest (near Silverfalls) make up the remainder of the larger woodland consciousnesses. There are others, smaller or more remote, but these are known only to those of a more specialist background.
Type FORESTS MYSELF if you are in the lower skies - a vantage point close enough to perceive but distant enough to survey - and you will learn how all of the ancient woodlands perceive you. This is important information for any wishing to travel through the woodland paths.
Those of the druid and ranger profession may be interested in HELP TENDING, and latterly HELP FALCONRY or HELP ORNITHOLOGY, then HELP ANIMISM and HELP SYLVAN. These various helpfiles details the diverse relationship twixt these guilds and the forests of Avalon.