The Paladins Guild are good-aligned, loyal to Springdale, focussed on the knightly skills with a touch of spiritual competence.
Founded on the 1st of Agamnion 920 by Haplo, the Paladins are located in Northeastern Springdale. They have the profession of Knight and the guild alignment of Good/Neutral
The Knight is a physical combatant. He or she is concerned with the study of physical prowess (weapons, melee, swordplay, endurance) rather than over the airy magical realms. Consider the Knight profession if you are fast, quick-witted or aggressive, but keen to keep simple and effective. They are strong in combat both offensively and defensively though rely on good maintenance of weapons, armour and equipment.
The Paladins are a very secretive guild whose members hold the profession of the Paladin - they combine the forces of magic and the sword to provide awesome power to those who are able to join. It is rumoured that they are based in Springdale Castle.
The Paladins Guild was founded most recently of the knight profession guilds in Springdale. It is the only knight guild with a touch of magical/spiritual skill development, aligned closely with the city, a stalwart force against evil and aggression.
The Paladins, having failed it's original task, now finds itself in Silverfalls, looking to made amends for the fall of its previous city. Under a new guildmaster, the future is starting to look brighter for the guild. Only time will tell for sure.
This Cavalier skill is based on physical and mental control to endure the rigours of your physical life.
This is a dual skill - it is your skill at Forging and your ability to use and fashion bows.
A largely defensive skill, wielding the more altruistic/helpful side of the spirit magics.
This is the general ability in weapons, armour and combat.
The Paladins Guild is fairly difficult to locate. From Springdale Square head east until you reach the river statue. Then follow Riverwalk north to the outskirts of the city, turning east at the end across the river bridge onto the East Springdale Road. Trace East Springdale Road to the eastern end where it joins Castle Way. Take Castle Way around southeast from the junction, then north all the way into the castle courtyard. The Paladins Guild is inside the castle though its precise whereabouts are kept secret.