Thakria is home to perhaps the most extreme people; evil, cunning, self-reliance, belligerence - these are the prime traits of many a Thakrian. Thakria's history is one of aggressive conflict, military success, and strong leadership.
Founded on the 1st of Midwinter, 810 by Trekker the Prestidigator.
Modern Thakria was brought into being, ironically, by a road carved up through the darkened forests by the god of life. Its reforged avenues were raised by the god of time, in honour of the past kings and emperors. The first mortal to step back into reborn Thakria was Trekker the Sorcerer and he founded the Sorcerers Guild to guard the city of the crescent moon forever against its foes. Thakria has boasted a succession of great patrons over the years, a powerful and largely successful war record.
Thakria stands proudly on the banks of the Moonstone Lake, in the far northwest of the continent, under the royal command of Emperor Periam. It thrives gleefully on both scrupulous trade and less-than-honest plunder from all around. It boasts fabulous architectural edifices and its lakeside promenade, whose high-class establishments offer expensive goods to those that can afford them. Thakria however can only be approached by the dangerous route past the Goblin City and the Darkened Forests. Nonetheless it remains a magnet for those that seek to dominate, and those that lust after the knowledge which brings power.
Thakria was founded by Trekker though the city itself was divinely wrought some years before the Sorcerer set foot inside its black walls. Trekker was quick to establish himself as Thakria's first leader ably supported by his sorcerous cronies Helkarakse and Angmar the Grim. It was during this period that the art of the sorcerer was finally rediscovered and the Sorcerers Guild re-opened to the Thakrian public. The evil guild quickly earned a reputation for brutality and murderous aggression and during its early days only the Mages of Mercinae stood firm against its demonic threat.
The retirement of Trekker from active duties saw the onset of a period of decline within Thakria and the re-establishment of Mercinaen primacy in the continent. Helkarakse carried the torch for the Sorcerers but was a more cautious and conciliatory individual than his predecessor and thus Thakria evolved a less extreme outlook. Thakria's decline though was stemmed by the arrival of one Davros Bloodaxe, one of the earliest members of the newly founded Loremasters Guild. Helkarakse wisely stepped aside and allowed Davros to take charge of city management and before long Thakria's economy, wealth and reputation was growing apace. It was during this period that Thakria overtook Mercinae as the dominant city of the continent and this change was at least in part due to the catastrophic defection of Lord Palin of the Knights from the Mercinaen government into the waiting arms of his Thakrian conspirators. Not only was Palin a renowned fighter but the wily knight carried with him the bulk of the Mercinaen treasury and gold reserves. Mercinae reeled, its government thrown into chaos while the Thakrians rubbed their hands with glee and plotted its future.
Thakria's uninterrupted expansion and wealth was to be cut short, though, by fundamental disputes within its government between Loremaster Davros, the financial mastermind behind the city's success and the majority of the citizens whose outlook was evil and goals were cultist in origin. Davros found himself increasingly isolated and the time came when for all his love of Thakria and effort in securing its growth to a full city, the Loremaster chose to relinquish his mortal form and join the ranks of the divinities as the god of light.
Without Davros the Thakrians were unable to maintain the economic supremacy they had previous enjoyed and, to compound matters, Mercinae were finally able to pull together a cohesive and competent government. Among the Mercinaens of note responsible for Mercinae's resurgence and Thakria's continued economic woes were Sir Galahad and Eshkadeth of the Mages Guild. Slowly but surely the work of Davros was undone and the Mercinaens outtraded, outmaneuvered and outmanaged their Thakrian counterparts. But a decade after Davros' departure Thakria was firmly secondary to its old foe. Even Galahad's ordination did not hold back Mercinae's growth and Thakria saw its greatest citizen of the time, Helkarakse, ordained soon after Galahad leaving it all the more leaderless and without direction.
Following in the foosteps of Galahad, whose presence in guiding Mercinae remains as Castigere, god of justice, was Castigere's new high priest - Isilidur, the Bard. Guided well by his patron and gifted himself in the guile of city government Isildur was able to consolidate Mercinae's strengths despite the birth of Parrius from Mercinae's citizenry and the obvious weakening that amicable split caused. At this time, though, as if in answer to the challenges of their cities two mortal rose through the ranks to stand against Mercinaen dominance; Blodwyn of Thakria and Calladan of Parrius. It is with Blodwyn that we will focus for few have attained master of their arts like this illustrious Seer. No Seer has matched her prowess since. Though no trader, Blodwyn's strength of leadership and fearful aura injected new confidence into the Thakrians. She alone stood and fought Isildur and the Mercinaens, and Calladan and the Parrians - and Thakria remained safe under her care.
Though Thakria remained strong and aggressive under Blodwyn its economy was, during Blodwyn's later years, managed by a young thief by the name of Snowlock. As Blodwyn struggled in battle against the great foes of her time, Snowlock quietly worked away to tie together Thakria's wealth and resources. Through Blodwyn's later mortal days her performance on the field of battle was impressive and she was able to win a number of divine gems and enter the quest for ordination against the thief, Zollrender. In the final conflict for divine status Thakria stood behind Blodwyn and Mercinae behind Zollrender. The battle was close but the Thakrians prevailed and Blodwyn emerged as a divinity; Nostradamus, god of the stars.
With Blodwyn gone, Thakria was passed on to Snowlock's care and the Thief quickly grew accustomed to his new position of command. Thakria began, during this period, to enjoy marked economic superiority over the continent's other cities and Snowlock directed a great proportion of the city's resources into military expansion. Thakria's army grew apace and Mercinae, still under the guidance of the god of justice and his high priest Isildur tried as best they could to keep in touch. A few years of militarization passed and Snowlock judged, finally, Thakria to be ready for war. Under patronage of Nostradamus and led by Snowlock, Thakria's armies made their first major sortie beneath the great southern gates and struck south for Mercinaen soil.
Details of the invasion are recorded elsewhere and need not be retold here. The battle was close and the god of justice tried every trick he could to thwart the Thakrians but Nostradamus shadowed his every move. The Thakrians were victorious and Mercinae was taken. Castigere, god of justice was ousted as patron of Mercinae and Nostradamus stepped in with much pomp and ceremony. Snowlock returns victorious to Thakria and Nostradamus remained in Mercinae to set up an interim government of his choosing. After a period of celebration and congratulation in Thakria Snowlock decided to retire from city government and retire to a quiet life in distant Coriona. It was there that he remained until he contended for and won ordination to take up the mantle of Orthwein, god of fate.
As has been common after the departure of a great and illustrious leader there followed a period of uncertainty, stagnation and gradual decline in Thakria. Its new government had not the power of Blodwyn or the guile and expertise of Snowlock. While Nostradamus toiled in Mercinae, Thakria was without guidance and recession struck the city of miracles. In the meantime Parrius, relatively unscathed by the war between its neighbours, encouraged and supported Mercinaen dissidents against the rule of the godly Nostradamus. Resistance waxed in Mercinae and gradually the citizens began to band together to resist divine rule. In a fit of annoyance and frustration Nostradamus cast aside the city of Mercinae and left it to its own devices. He returned to help guide his beloved Thakria.
The continuing decline of Thakria after Snowlock continued for two decades until the emergence of the next great Thakrian leader - the Sorcerer Shaitan. Shaitan's commitment and effort outmatched any of his contemporaries in Thakria and he soon rose to a position of responsibility in the city and soon after gained the title of Prince. Shaitan took a hands-on approach to city management, directing and participating in the collection of resources, the expansion of the Thakrian treasury and the growth of Thakria's military. Too early in his career though and unfortunately for Thakria, Shaitan took his city into fullscale conflict against Parrius. He mobilized Thakria's entire army and marched it across the continent to besiege Parrius, hoping to emulate the achievement of his predecessor. The invasion failed and Shaitan was outnumbered and outfoxed. Thakria's armies fled back to their homeland depleted and demoralized.
To his credit Shaitan was quick to bounce back from Thakria's defeat in Parrius and his consolidation of Thakria's remaining resources and military was quick and effective. The city was still strong. Shaitan stuck to leading raids of Thakrians against the city's enemies spreading violence and mayhem across the land. Though unable to match Snowlock's military success, Shaitan's reign in Thakria was more akin to Blodwyn's period of mastery - intimidation and relentless aggression against all who stood against him. Before long Shaitan, like Snowlock and Blodwyn before him, competed and won a number of gem quests and finally took the challenge of the ordination quest. Shaitan was victorious against Gandalf, a formidable mystic, and Lazarus, god of pain was born. Yet again Thakria had given birth to a deity.
Following Shaitan was yet another period of stagnation in Thakria with no commanding presence stepping forward to take over the reigns of the city. Fortunately the other major cities were also undergoing periods of weak government and Thakria's shortcomings did not result in a long-term change in their status as the most powerful city in the land. Guided by the dual patronage of Orthwein, god of fate and Lazarus, god of pain, Thakria recovered momentum after only a few years of recession and the two goods took pains to train and encourage new mortals to work together to maintain the city's strength. Worthy of note during this period was Flogga, Master of the Seers Guild and initiator of the second seeing stone wars which saw Thakria extend the influence of its master stone over the whole of the continent.
It was at this point that the great change occurred in divine role in the land. The close control exerted over Thakria by Orthwein and Lazarus and similar divine influence in other cities, led the god of time to force all of the deities to pull back from direct city and guild control, to allow the mortals to freely pursue their own destinies. All of the cities struggled without such direct divine guidance and Thakria was no exception. A few decades past before Thakria was able to boast mortal ministers capable of running the city effectively without godly hand-holding. The two who emerged above others to lead were Kylan of the Cavaliers and Panaideos of the Sorcerers. Kylan and her beloved Ingens managed the economy and the city's resources while Panaideos established himself as the most feared Sorcerer and prime mover of Thakria's fortunes.
Thakria under Kylan and Panaideos was a single-minded city. Its resources and treasury were directed at military expansion. Thakria's army grew apace, outstripping that of its rival cities. Nonetheless it was Sturge, field marshall of Mercinae who began hostilities leading a sizeable legion into Thakria before its fortifications were raised. Sturge and his troops successfully plundered one of Thakria's ration stores but mismanaged his leadership during the subsequent plundering and became separated from his legion. The leaderless legion was quickly dispatched and Thakria's defensive fortifications were raised.
During Leaflost of 966ADW Thakria set about its first major military campaign against the Rangers Guild in the Greenwood forest. Thakria spared only a portion of their army in the siege but found the Rangers staunch in defence and unwilling to submit. The Thakrian forces were badly led and eventually the Rangers prevailed. Kylan and Panaideos returned to their city to review their mistakes and prepare for a larger conflict. And the larger conflict was soon to come, Thakria mobilized a large army, the vast majority of its legions and marched purposefully and unmolested to the gates of Mercinae.
This time the Thakrians, though prone to occasional tactical or leadership error, were able to break through the Mercinaen gate fortifications and besiege and plunder Mercinaen buildings and stores. The Mercinaen defenders were outflanked by a two-pronged offensive as the Thakrians were supported from the east by Parrian legions led by Plaman. The Mercinaens attempted to retaliate but were only able to inflict minor damage on the Thakrians, none of the Mercinaen leaders were competent commanders and many legions were lost due to incompetence. Meanwhile the Thakrian army continued to plunder Mercinaen resources and commodities and raze parts of their city. Mercinae was saved from utter ruin by the intervention, at last, of the Artisans Guild whose guildmaster had been long building an army in secret. The Artisan legions poured out at the Thakrians and in a final battle the Thakrians were routed and the invading forces scattered. Panaideos and Kylan signalled the retreat of the few remaining Thakrians rejoicing at the success of their plunder and extent of damage caused against the Mercinaen interior.
Thakria's joy at their military success was short-lived though for both the Thieves Guild and the City of Springdale were quick to take advantage of Thakria's depleted military strength. The Thieves invaded Thakria with all of their well-trained legions and broke through Thakria's lakeside fortifications. Fortunately the Thieves had little stomach for a long fight and retreated the moment Thakria had mobilized a sufficiently large defensive force to make challenge. Reasonably sized Mercinaen legions also laid brief siege to Thakrian's southern gate and had broken through and begun to plunder Thakria's outermost resource stores when Kylan managed to pull together sufficient of her compatriots to beat back the invaders and save her city. As the final chapter thus far in Thakria's foreign affairs Springdale continue to push forward against the edges of Thakrian influence in northwestern Avalon, reaping full advantage of their neighbours' weakness. Thakria remain in a period of rebuilding and consolidation now under Prince Panaideos and Darkest Kylan of the Cavaliers.
Written as of 1st of Eleuthral, 974ADW.
Thakria enjoyed comprehensive victory under Snowlock's leadership and Nostradamus' divine patronage against Mercinae. Mercinae was defended by Castigere, god of justice and, in the absence of his high priest Isildur, Zollrender the Thief and a contingent of Parrians.
Thakria was defeated badly in an attempted invasion of Parrius under the leadership of Shaitan the Sorcerer. Parrius' defence was co-ordinated by Orthwein, god of fate and led by Isildur of Mercinae.
Sturge, field marshall of Mercinae led a fair-sized legion of Mercinaen troops into Thakria before its defensive fortifications were raised. The Mercinaens successfully plundered one of Thakria's ration stores but was thwarted and massacred during their next attempted plundering of Thakria's largest precious ore warehouse.
Kylan, Ingens and Panaideos led a small-scale Thakrian invasion of the Rangers Guild. The Rangers were able to defend their guildhouse and force the Thakrians to retreat.
Panaideos led Thakria's full-scale invasion of Mercinae with Kylan and Ingens in tow. Thakria's invasion was well-planned and combining with Parrian troops attacking from the opposite direction successfully broke through all of Mercinae's outer defences. The Thakrian legions plundered much of Mercinae's resources and stores for the Thakrian coffers until they were eventually put to flight by the secret legions of the Artisans Guild. Much was gained from this invasion though and it can be considered a great success.
Mercinae launched a small counter-offensive against Thakria and though they broke Thakria's southern gate fortifications and were in the process of plundering one of Thakria's outer stores, Kylan was able to form a defensive force sufficient to beat them away.
The Thieves Guild took it upon themselves to take advantage of Thakria's warworn troops and launched all of their legions against the city of miracles when Thakria's leaders were absent. Fortunately the Thakrians still had enough troops to challenge the Thieves Guild legions who fled at the first sign of engagement.
Ongoing are border battles between small groups of legions between Thakria and Springdale, skirmishes in the ebb and flow of power at the edge of Thakria's sphere of influence.
Just to the east from the Northern end of Temple Parade.
The temple of darkness can be found southeast from the Emperors Walk and Temple Parade junction.
Head east from Thakria Square onto Emperors Walk and halfway in between the western end and eastern end of the Emperors Walk lies the temple of the pain-god a short way to the south.
Again east from the Temple Parade and Kings Avenue junction, the temple of stars lies to the southeast.
The temple of the Diabolus broods a short way to the south from the junction of Kings Avenue and Temple Parade.
The Thakrian Altar of Magic can be found northwest of the southern gate of central park.
The fire temple lies north from the Emperors Walk and Temple Parade junction.
The temple of the moon lies east of the southern gate of central park.
From the junction of temple parade and kings avenue, the vengeance temple lies northwest.
"Let slip the dogs of war, for indeed war was upon Avalon again. Thunder crashed and rolled upon the heavens, drowning out the call of hunting horns across the plains. The Thakrians stood firm against all resistance.
"For an intrepid team were they. Their tactile, mental and spiritual prowess all boosted by the alchemical compounds granted them by the Loremasters, they were indeed hall heroes against the Mercinaean resistance. The keen and swift blade of the scarlet-clad Cavalier proved a deadly combination with the hideous demons controlled by the silent, black-robed Sorcerer.
"Many quailed before the venomous spittle and dextrous knife-wielding of the anarchic Thieves that flitted to and fro. And all the while, fire and damning curses were rained down upon their enemies, enacted by the mysterious Seers who sat in safety many leagues away.
"And when all was said and done, they stood victorious, and left the battlefield, borne of the wings of a mighty dragon that was enslaved by the magic of the Warlocks, leaving only a bitter scent of brimstone in the air that vanished with gentle zephyrs.
"For heroes many were the Thakrians. Their successes came from the power and solidarity that binds society together deep behind the obsidian walls of their city. Indeed, where else in Avalon could any place lay the same claims to glory as Thakria, the City of Miracles?"
The City of Thakria has chosen Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance and Cornelius, god of magic as City Patron and divine guardian.
The elected council of Thakrian Barons:
Evil Aerian, Thakrian Cavalier is a Baron of Thakria.
Lichlord Lysaer is a Baron of Thakria.
The Great Milenko, Mentally Sound is a Baron of Thakria.
Astynax is a Baron of Thakria.
Maldor, de le Erinyes is a Baron of Thakria.
The government of Thakria is as follows:
Abaku acts as Chancellor of the Treasury.
Zakath holds rank of Minister for Justice and Homeland Security.
Remington Stele holds the post of Minister for Trade.
Seer Lord Tabaka Hunter Of Souls is the Minister for Public Relations.
The Zooka is the Ambassador and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Astynax is the Quest Master.
Astynax is the Field Marshall. Astynax is in charge of the Ministry of State.
Grethmog, Born To Die is in charge of the Ministry of State.
Gallifray The Seer is in charge of the Ministry of State.
The following crown appointments have been made:
Seer Lord Tabaka Hunter Of Souls has been honoured with the post of City Librarian.