Mercinae has always stood as a bastion for the ideals of truth and justice. Mercinae's history has remained relatively unaggressive though recently its warlike ambitions against old enemies have come to the fore.
Founded around 75 years before the divine war by refugees from Ilmarael.
Mercinae was founded by refugees from the sacked city of Ilmarael some seventy-five years before the divine war. Mercinae spans the mouth of the River Leithe and has a long coastline along the Southern Sea. The city is built mostly on the western bank but a few of its guilds, its cathedral and its amphitheatre are to be found on the more wooded east bank. The first hero of the modern period was Zaphod, founder of the Warriors Guild in Mercinae and partially under his influence and later Galahad of the Mages, Mercinae grew into the bustling and expansive city it is today.
Mercinae lies under the patronage of the Apollo, the god of light, and is a city devoted to stern morality and honour. Their governing Barons have remained essentially peaceful and yet reflective of Mercinae's greatest strength - the ability to fight like lions when pushed into a corner without hope of diplomatic resolution. Mercinae plays host to the temples of many Gods, bar those that would bring darkness upon them.
It is built around the banks of the river Leithe and its main park, known as Park Elienna, pin-points its centre with a glorious expanse of unspoilt woodland and the temple of the god of life. Mercinae has its life-long enemies, however, most notably the city of Thakria and the guild of Sorcerers, and as a precautionary measure it has erected an impenetrable wall around its entire body, accessible only from its eastern, northern and small river gates.
Mercinae is the oldest of the modern cities and its present era began at 800ADW. Its earliest guild was The Warriors though this was renamed The Knights at later times, and can still be found today at the end of Royal Walk. The most momentous event in Mercinae's more recent history was the forced surrender of the Mercinaen government and patron (then Castigere, the god of justice) to invading forces led by Snowlock, of Thakria, and the city was passed over to the patronage of Nostradamus, god of the stars. The city's spirit was unbroken and within a decade the citizens banded together and reformed the government with enough confidence to oust the god of the stars in favour of Apollo, the god of light, who was remained patron ever since. The city tends towards a more peaceful, line but has long since grown again into a great power capable of matching any on the field of battle.
At 0ADW was the successful defence of new Mercinae against the evil hordes in the last Avalon war to involve both gods and mortals.
At around the turn of the ninth century Mercinae saw serious conflict again. The invasion by Thakria led by Snowlock the Thief sacked Mercinae and ousted its entire government. The city was broken.
At around 930ADW Mercinae committed perhaps the most uncharacteristic act of its history. Under the Princely leadership of Ithakus the Mystic, Mercinae mobilized a large army and invaded Parrius. The Mercinaen legions struck deeply onto Parrian soil - their attack was swift and surprising, the Parrians did not expect a war from their ally. Unfortunately for Ithakus but perhaps fortunately for the ongoing reputation of Mercinae the invasion was thwarted as the Parrians gradually came together to mobilize a defence under the guidance of Orthwein, god of fate. Ithakus fought staunchly at the head of his legions but backing from Mercinae which was tentative from the start soon evaporated. Ithakus was ousted in disgrace and Mercinae's remaining troops were taken back home.
During 962ADW Sturge, the field marshall, led a sizeable legion of Mercinaen troops through the forests and up into southern Thakria. He moved them in quickly, taking advantage of the fact that the Thakrians had neglected to raise their fortifications and were largely defenceless. Sturge led his legion and began to plunder the southernmost of Thakria's rations stores with great success. It was only when he moved on to begin plundering Thakria's largest precious ore warehouses that Kylan of Thakria pulled her wits together and managed to separate Sturge from his large legion. Sturge was then driven out of Thakria leaving his troops leaderless and stranded. It did not take long for the Thakrians to bring enough of their own men in to massacre the unfortunate Mercinaens.
At around 970ADW Mercinae was again to see battle in the form of an invasion by Thakria led by Panaideos and Kylan. The Thakrians put together excellent invading strategy, capturing the Mercinaen troops in a two-pronged attack with Parrian legions led by Plaman aiding them from the opposite direction. Mercinae's army was utterly routed and much of Mercinae's valuable stores and treasuries were sacked as the city defences were broken. Were it not for the late intervention of the Artisans Guild and their secret legions the Thakrians would have over-run Mercinae altogether. Fortunately the Artisans struck and beat the Thakrians out of the city and into full retreat.
Recovering fairly quickly from the sacking by Thakria, the Mercinaens grouped together a renewed army and in alliance with a number of guilds struck north and marched on Thakria. Thakria's own resources were much depleted by their recent invasion and a retaliation so soon was unexpected. Thakria's defences were ill-organized and panic stricken. Mercinae broken through Thakria's southern gate and was readying further strikes against the city itself when finally the defenders pulled together, mobilized sufficient troops and pushed their enemies back. Mercinae retreated quickly, choosing to save their legions and resources for another day.
A short way east onto Bridge Street from the very east of Cassiandora Square, the temple of the god of light lies to the south.
Follow Sage Way from east (by Cassiandora Square) to west, into Green Street. The goddess of wisdom's temple is at the far northern end of Green Street.
Go to the far south of Cassiandora Square and head roughly eastish until you reach the Moon Inn. Then take a short walk south into Moon Street and immediately east into the park. The god of life's temple is in the eastern region of the park.
Head to the west of Cassiandora Square and go slightly further west onto Sage Way by the Royal Bank. Turn quickly northwest still along Sage Way and the god of time's temple lies just to the northeast.
Mercinae, city of creation, stands against the forces of destruction. Where those would come and tear down, Mercinaens seek to build. From the sweeping brush of a painter, to the intricate mind of a scholar, to the hard-won grace of the fighters' art, Mercinaens revel in the act of creation and the freedom of expression.
Built nearly two-thousand years ago on the shore of the southern sea, Mercinae grew to sprawl along the river Leithe. Merchants and wanderers visit the city-port to trade, or to behold ancient wonders. From the temple to Proteus, god of the sea to the cathedral where most Avalon weddings are held, and from park Elienna to Cassiandora square, the voice of time echoes the long tradition contained by the simple earth and stone.
Being the first of the four cities, Mercinae was the first Bastion of mankind on this continent, and as such, was the birth place from which all current human settlements were derived. Having been that seed of human creation on Avalon, modern day Mercinaens seek to refound the sturdy spirit of their ancestors forged in war and strife. The city has endured a turbulent past few decades: invasions from foreign cities, destruction of its sphere of influence... yet its spirit has not been quelled. The optimistic among its cityfolk retain the earnest hope that Mercinae's most glorious chapters are yet to be written: and the cityport is an ideal stage for the heroic, noble personality.
Mercinae was conquered entirely by Parrius in the year 1264/65 and, from the ruins of their destroyed armies, a treaty was reached overseen by Aethon, the Sun-God. This treaty restored the flag of the swan, Mercinae's original pennant, and established a peaceful co-existence with their Parrian neighbours for the foreseeable future. The details are a matter of public record.
The City of Mercinae has chosen Hyperion, the god of light as City Patron and divine guardian.
The elected council of Mercinaen Barons:
Doubting Tharmas, The Monksbane is a Baron of Mercinae.
Rooted Druid Golmor, The Forestwalker is a Baron of Mercinae.
Magess Leena Starlight is a Baron of Mercinae.
Murtair Saryum is a Baron of Mercinae.
Emeraldine Veiia, Vineweaver is a Baron of Mercinae.
Magess Leena Starlight is the Prime Minister of Mercinae, supported by Crown and Nobility alike.
Murtair Saryum is the Prince, holding oaths of fealty from the noble council and chosen representative of the Mercinaen Crown. He wields authority over all civil and military affairs.
The government of Mercinae is as follows:
Druidess Skia, Nature's Dancer is the Quest Mistress.
Doubting Tharmas, The Monksbane is the Ambassador and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Lord Bellock the Illustrious Knight holds rank of Minister for Justice and Homeland Security.
Rooted Druid Golmor, The Forestwalker acts as Chancellor of the Treasury.
Mronz the Mining King holds the post of Minister for Trade.
Alchemist Gareon is in charge of the Ministry of State.
Sparkling Aster, Star of Avalon is the Minister for Public Relations.
The following crown appointments have been made:
Arcane Druid Zevren, Enveloped in Darkness has been honoured with the post of City Librarian.