Starting today, Saturday at 8pm by the Avalon clock, the divine emerald
quest will commence. All information you need can be found in HELP EMERALD.
This quest is open to everyone, whether or not you wish to be a contender
for ordination (though you gain that privilege too, if you win). It is a
pacifist quest so there'll be no use of fatal force. The quest is a celebration
of life and so there will be a welcome for everyone who wants to
take part whether you're pacifist, duellist, fighter, whatever. The quest
will test different skills to the more violent conflicts of my brothers
and sisters in Olympus, as is our tradition. It will last for twelve hours,
though you won't need to play a full 12 hours to have a chance at winning as
the rules will make clear.
Good luck to everyone who competes. I'll be starting things off at the
Meeting Place at 8pm. You can join in the quest at any time. I'd also like
to wish good fortune to all those contending in the other gemquests being run
today and tomorrow and wish Avalon a magnificient 20th anniversary!
Written by my hand on the 6th of Springflower, in the year 1247.