And Gandalph on your posts.

Neidhartto Infamous Threap, Darkness Unleashed

I don't post here very often on the fighters board but I will post this.

I just wanted cheer the the posts of Threap and Gandalph, #4305 and #4314, as being two of the best posts I have read in a long time on the bb.

In my opinion the gems should be turned and all the damn whiners, if you don't like it then do something about it, but for god's sake stop whining. Things are not fair here and you know what - they are not supposed to be!!

As for Esprii, there is no question she has little respect for anyone or anything. The only solution would be for all mortals, this includes Thakrians, to put down this behaviour. Otherwise the result will end up looking like this -

Because Esprii did that someone will attack her in a challenge, then thakrian will attack that person in a challenge, and so on, and so on, and so on. Eventually there will be no such thing as challenges because it will be generally accepted that attacking within a challenge is ok.

Now is that is what the Avalon mortals want, no problem. But if we want to keep the challenges somewhat honourbound then it will take the help of everyone to correct this behaviour.


Written by my hand on the 21st of Leaflost, in the year 1146.