
You are accused - by many - of using ever trick in the book to give yourself a slight advantage. You strip regularly, which is also somewhat frowned upon. Abydos is right that you have little or no respect for the game, your peers, or even the Gods. One need look no further than your last comment. If you are so violently opposed to the challenge system, then I certainly haven't seen any arguement from you on any board in the land stating why you oppose it and trying to get it changed. The gods hav

e sanctioned the challenge system, so until such time as it is changed, you are basically saying \"I make my own rules, thank you. \" Funny, I've read about how the Gods get to make their own rules, but last time I checked you hadn't quite earned that right. Abusing the rules everyone else follows (whether they do so out of respect or fear of punishment) is bad form. Stating that you do it because you don't believe it, particularly when done after the fact, is a truly lame excuse.

On a related note that perhaps belongs on the elders board, I'm increasingly seeing people deciding that certain rules don't apply to them, whether it's attacking in temples, picking limits, or deciding that challenges to be honoured. While some of these 'rules' are in fact guidelines and not obligations, it's disturbing to see how many people will use the system to their own advantage whenever it suits them, knowing that their opponents will not. This degrades the game for everyone, and I would hope

that as mortals we can stop constantly trying to abuse the limits whenever it suits our short-term interests. I don't claim to have answers, but it's a disturbing trend.

Written by my hand on the 10th of Leaflost, in the year 1146.