If you are a mere few hours into the game, as she refrenced in her post, you don't know what 'pentacle item' is. In fact, I didn't know what a pentacle was till I had chosen a guild.
Your post was more of a self-concerned whine that her post was. All you did was attempt to point out that all Narissa does is whine, which I know is not all she does. Even Dunccan agreed with her post, though I believe the reason you disagree with it mainly consists that any godly action on it, would result in small change to your skills.
That alone shows that all your concerned about is keeping your skills as effective as possible, while I don't blame you for this, I believe that all attacks, should cause bloodlust, assuming that the one getting hit is of small enough size to give bloodlust in a direct attack.
Because of Dunccan's reply and approval of Narissa's post, it appears obvious that there have been people in the past who have used rituals, demons, or some other wide-area targetting attack, to the same effect, of no bloodlust gain. As I rather doubt Dunccan would go against a citizen of the city he is loyal to in favour of a citizen of an enemy city, so I believe this to be apparent.
Therefor, making slanderous posts such as yours, result in the degrading of general intelligence and the normally a rise in posts equally pointless and generally stupid.
I further discourage you from using extremly bad grammer and formatting, for it adds to the general 'stupid' look of a post, although the content does play a large part, as one can easily see.
- Elmak
Written by my hand on the 28th of Paglost, in the year 1140.