Oh narissa, how I love thee. Your constant whining has made you well known, but it also makes it so that your only friends are these lws I have been slaying. It must make you feel terrible to see them die by hand. I have killed three lws that I can recall that have done nothing wrong. First, was with a nice bashing party of about 5 or so parrians, one being lw, and an orc killed the lw after you guys were struggling a while to kill me, when my rituals weren't even targetted to them. Second, a scattersp
ray while rituals were not targetted on them. Third, a scatterspray while rituals were not targetted on them. All it would take is a simple pentacle for these lw's. I remember having zwartia ship me many times being younger then these lw's so they have it easily considering the sadism laws improving. I'm sorry though. Next time I am fighting two or three people at once I will sit there and fall over dead because a lw is present. It isn't my fault zwartia couldn't seem to realize bringing a lw into sca
tterspray in mists where I can't even see would be a bad thing. So instead of crying so much about something somebody has done, try this for once, tell something persuasive without all your cock and bull behind it. People might actually care to see what you have to say. Talk with a god about the issues so it can be brought up on the elder's board or something. We don't need yet another whining post from you, they seriously need to make a section called \"Narissa's Whines\", would be much easier to differ
entiate worthwhile posts and your posts. So bug off and go talk with somebody who helps little sick children like yourself. Your parrian propaganda methods are more annoying then beneficial.
Written by my hand on the 27th of Paglost, in the year 1140.