some things you said are true, some not.

The truth is I did try and join the order of Chaos, this was after the order of Light spurned me dispite recieving the direct favour of Apollo 19 times and the recomendation of the upper echelon of the order. Apollo just didn't want me... Neither did Damocles.

The order of light, and the order of Chaos were both about Elite, fighters. I wasn't Elite I died more often than anybody else in avalon. I think ever. too. at some point some god told me that I died more in a week than all the rest of Avalon (against other players). Anyway I was not Elite material was I.

I searched for my place, you all say I am power hungry and I just want to boss people around. I THIRSTED for somebody worthy to lead me. I found it in the order of Justice.

Now I follow Castigere. I am his axe, and there is no active member of any order in avalon that can say that they can kill me in a best of 3 challenge with certainty.

I think I don't boast when I say this.

So to end all this controversy . and it seems you all are asking the Question what is Dunccan? What does he believe? Is he being what we think he should be.

First is Easy, I'm just a defender of Justice, Light and Bad Jokes.

What do I believe, I guess its this, I believe I can win. I can win at Avalon. I've met 3 of my goals, I am missing only 2. I believe that if you are evil, and you do evil things, I will punish you. I believe in conversation, I believe in peace if it is obtained fairly. I believe in Springdale. I believe in Castigere.

I believe in my friends. those who I love, those who I protect and fight with. I believe in them.

Am I being what you think I should be, I guess it just matters who you ask. Some peole wouldn't have me any other way, some people would have me be just a defender, some people would have me be more agressive, sadistic. I am what I am, I do the best I can. I am excentric, I am a strong fighter for good, I am a follower of Castigere, sometimes. I am Rage.

Enough . posting. I did not insult you in any of this. so enough.

Written by my hand on the 1st of Paglost, in the year 1140.