Nowhere in my post did I complain about the improvements to the bandits skills. I could have bitched about getting an ult-plus stealth skill which to the best of my knowledge has never been used by Bandit nor Ranger in combat (despite being a combat based skill). Or an ult-plus thievery skill that provides a useful means of escape, but sadly it can't be used in challenges or duels.
The improvement to the balance on double poisons stabs was in fact a long over due \"fix\" and from what I've been told by the gods, it was never meant to have twice the balance in the first place. I don't want to argue with you, both Yarl and Mandrake are proving extremely powerful poisons (arguably overpowered in some situations) and yet lets not fail to mention the inclusion of immunities which if it wasn't for the late inclusion of bumba pouches, almost single-handedly shafted my completely poison d
ependant profession.
If you actually read my previous post, you'll note that I did not claim it stopped ALL mind control techniques, just the majority which by your own words you admit it does. I can see how the threat of Avalon's singular bard would be enough to stay your hand. But I digress. As I stated in the original post, I'm not moaning about the improvements to the bandits skills, nor am I moaning about the improvements to the Knights skills. I am merely pointing out that of all the professions, the one least ju
stified to bitch about the new skills, are the knights.
Written by my hand on the 19th of Leaflost, in the year 1130.