There are a number of ways to see who is playing Avalon unconcealed on the same part of the continent as you.
WHO Gives a full list of who is around with innersight effects if any.
QW Gives a full list of who is around without innersight.
BW Brief paragraph listing all those who are around.
BBW Very brief listing of just names.
LW List those whom the gods consider young and inexperienced.
NNW Shows only novices.
GMW Shows a list of those in your guild who are about.
CIT/CW Shows a list of those in your city who are about (CIT=PR ministries).
OW Lists fellow followers of your patron who are about.
PEERS List only those of around your skill expertise.
PW Lists those who have chosen to live as pacifists.
BFW Lists the folks currently on the battle-isle.
You may also type the name of a profession or guild to see members of that profession or guild in your vicinity, if the individual has chosen to make himself/herself public, e..g. MAGES or CAVALIERS or RANGERS.
And, depending on the current will of the Gods:
TW/TTW Lists those non-pacifists, non-protected, ready for combat.
EW List only those against whom you would gain no bloodlust.
See also: HELP AURA, HELP NPC and HELP CITIZENS / MEMBERS for info on fellow citizen and fellow guild-member listing commands.