It is possible, under extraordinary circumstances, for a guild to secede from the authority of its home city and deny that city further rights over the guild-house and guild locations. This includes the "right of entry" enjoyed by the leaders of the city (per HELP ENTRY). The seceded state is a major step and should not EVER be undertaken lightly. It does great damage to a city's reputation and divine globe.
Syntax: SECEDE ON.
Proclaims to the land that your guild shall secede from the authority of its home city.
Reverses a secede declaration, returning relations between city and guild to normal state of affairs.
Seceding declarations are publicly proclaimed and logged in both city and guild actions. This fateful step can only be taken by the Guildmaster or Guildmistress, though it is recommended the sundering of ties between city and guild be supported by all active members or a guild; or at the very least its elder members.