The "right of entry" is a privilege available only to the Prince(ss) or undisputed leader of a city or town. It allows this individual to command doors open and unlocked, for any locations on homeland soil.
Syntax: ENTRY <direction>.
The "right of entry" is evoked via the ENTRY command, followed by the direction of the door, while standing in the appropriate location. It cannot be coerced, forced, voice'd, hypnotised or otherwise commanded. It cannot be evoked by mistake or in drunken error.
Use of the "right of entry" privilege is logged in the city's LOCKACTIONS file, and also in the divine general activity log. If you have "right of entry" and the locksmith service is active, you can use KEYS <direction> to check up on keys to a particular door or gate.
BE WARNED: using right-of-entry will not automatically lock the door again so it should only be used in the event of emergency accessd needed.
Syntax: WORK <direction> or WORK <direction> NEW.
If you have "right of entry" you may also use the city locksmiths (if the service is available) to make keys for locks under your care, whether or not you have a key to begin with. The details of the key making and type of key is explained in HELP KEYMAKING. If you append the word NEW to the end of the WORK <direction> command then you will not only have the locksmiths make a key but also adjust the lock mechanism to render all other keys useless. This is good for security if there are rogue keys floating around. It does not, unfortunately, affect the skeleton keys or wax key impressions made of the lock. Mitigating these breaches in security requires a specialist (e..g. a Thief) and skilled attention focused on the lock mechanism itself.