Many would say a young player has not truly started Avalon life until the "prize" has been won: the prize of across-the-board rise in skills (over a hundred new abilities in many cases) with particular boosts to those skills most appropriate for your profession class. The "prize" is a definitive marker with 'de jure' novice before and 'de facto' junior of great promise after.
These novice to junior badges represent a wide range of attainments and their aim is to teach and test the early-development of all those things you need to know to progress in Avalon and which avenues best suit your ambitions in the realm. There are TWENTY badges in total with details of each in HELP BADGELIST. Most importantly the badges are judged and given out by your fellow players - albeit those of high standing and/or special public relations ministry rank. Each badge is taught by a suitable mentor (often one guide will take a youngster through all twenty).
The "prize" itself can be given out by the high city or guild standing mentor though it must be someone of noble stature and deputy minister (or higher) or deputy guildmaster (or higher) position. The "prize" is, for many youngsters, their first contact with a highest echelon of guild or city society.
Lists those of LW junior stature along with summary of how many badges they have or if they have completed the prize. Invaluable for busy tutors and relations guides.
Syntax: REQUEST PRIZE FROM <senior player name>.
The badge completion "prize" is obtained from senior members of the guild and when you have succeeded in all badges, find a suitably high stature fellow guild-member or citizen and type REQUEST PRIZE FROM then their character name (omit titles and prefix). You will need to do this in person; in the same location. The senior player will be given the option to assent or reject your declaration and if the former, the "prize" is officially won and all benefits attained.
The "prize" is a boost of all general and crafting skills to Respected or Renowned (depending on where you have reached at prize-giving). If at prize-giving you are at Respected, the boost will take you to Renowned. If at prize-giving you are below Respected, you will instantly be boosted to Respected. In addition, depending on your guild's professional class, there will be a further boost to three skills taking them up to Master, as below:
Knight: Fisticuffs, Swordplay and Defence.
Mage: Constitution, Perception and Scholarship.
Loremaster: Scholarship, Itemlore and Constitution.
Sorcerer: Constitution, Survival and Scholarship.
Bard: Scholarship, Perception and Survival.
Thief: Survival, Itemlore and Fisticuffs.
Seer: Survival, Constitution and Scholarship.
Ranger: Survival, Fisticuffs and Riding.
Druid: Riding, Constitution and Scholarship.
Check out HELP BADGES for the basics and overview of the "badge" concept and how to proceed about their completion or look over HELP BADGELIST to get a badge by badge list of what is required to acquire each. Winning the "prize" definitively begins the next phase of your Avalon life - and draws you nearer to the fateful moment where protected junior standing unprotected middling standing (see HELP STANDING and HELP JUNIOR).
You can only win the "prize" by successfully attaining all TWENTY of the badges in HELP BADGELIST. Badge completion is judged by your city or guild; by high rank players. Prize-giving marks the start of the rest of your life in Avalon - good luck to you all!