The Head of the Lore Council, or the Supreme Loremaster of Avalon, is chosen by the members of the Council of Lore. The title is only gained by an individual with full assent from the council and no councilmember rejection. Active members are the only votes counted in determining the Lorecouncil head and while it is not necessary for the head to hold everyone's affirmation, it IS mandatory that no active council-member assents an alternate Head.
The Head of the Lore Council is the spokesperson for the profession, the arbiter of the council and is charged with the task of executing the Lore Council's edicts and rulings including - most importantly - setting the various criteria governing the profession's requests/acquisition of Opalesence and Skymastery specialisations.
Members of the Lore Council are made up of elected and lifetime members. The lifetime members are chosen from the legends of the profession; those whose historical impact is beyond question and whose lives themselves are their qualification for a seat on the council. The elected council members tend to be the more active and from them the Head of the Lore Council, the Supreme Loremaster of Avalon, is selected.
Type LC COMMANDS to review commands and syntax usage for the various Lore Council powers (if you are a member) and for a guildmember's commands re: proposing and formally declaring agreement or disagrement to dictate the guild's elected Lorecouncil representative. See also HELP LORECOUNCIL, HELP OPALESCENCE and HELP SKYMASTERY for info on the Council and the profession's two specialisations respectively.