The Lore Council is a cross-profession group, whose emblem is the symbolic tree of knowledge. The Lore Council are the sole arbitors of the specialisations of the Loremaster profession and they alone determine those highrank guildsmen and women admitted to the OPALESCENCE and SKYMASTER specialist skillsets: see HELP OPALESCENCE and HELP SKYMASTERY for detailed info on the advanced abilities.
All members of the profession can type LORECOUNCIL COMMANDS (or LC COMMANDS for short) to gain a list and usage explanation for the available commands - depending on your guild-rank and privileges - relating to the Lorecouncil. If you are a member, it will include your special councilmember powers; if you are a guild-member you will see a shorter list with those commands available to propose, disagree/agree and review your guild's elected representative on the illustrious Council of Lore. This command is only available to members of the Loremaster Profession. Apprentices and those under probation are restricted.
The Lore Council is made up of central 'supported' members chosen by each of the guilds of the profession: the Alchemists, the Loremasters, the Artisans and the Craftmasters. One per guild. These members must retain the support of their guild to remain on the council - a single disgruntled guild-member is able to veto an individual's presence on the council. The 'supported' or elected members are proposed by the Guildmaster or Guildmistress of their guild - and is often the same person.
In addition to these core members, the Council of Lore has a 'lifetime' membership. These 'lifetime' members are chosen primarily by the pantheon (but can be nominated by the guilds themselves - with divine approval). These members are permanent and cannot have their position revoked. They are not dependant on public opinion. Typically the 'lifetime' members are great heroes and paradigms from the Loremaster profession; historical figures whose past deeds have earned this permanent right to be a part of governing the profession. With the exception of the head of the Lorecouncil, all members whether lifetime or elected, are of equal status.
It is necessary, once your guild skills have reached a certain point (as designated by the Lorecouncil), to put in a request before you are granted access to the powers and abilities under the Opalescence and Skymastery specialisations. The specific requirements can be altered by the Council of Lore and are typically set directedly by the head of the Lorecouncil (see HELP LOREHEAD); a council-member of "elected" background also known as the Supreme Loremaster and Leader of the Profession.
Syntax: LAWS.
This command reviews the very latest Lorecouncil edicts and laws governing the profession including rulings of the Council of Lore regarding matters currenting under debate within the profession or affecting the profession as a whole. Most of you will be more interested in the specific info provided on the basic requirements you must satisfy before you are able to request access to the Opalescence or Skymastery skillsets.
Use this command to send your request to specialise to the Council of Lore. All members will be notified, whether in Avalon or not, and all will have an opportunity to support or veto your application. See HELP OPALESCENCE and HELP SKYMASTERY for more info on the two Loremaster professional specialist skillsets.
Typing LC MEMBERS will show you a list of all members of the Council of Lore, separated into three: the Head of the Council and Supreme Loremaster, followed by the elected member from each of the currently active Loremaster profession guilds (the Alchemists, the Loremasters, the Artisans and the Craftmasters). You will then be informed of the "lifetime" members of the Council: those great historical figures whose influence has been felt - over the centuries - and whose achievements will have (in most cases) brought glory to all brethren wielders of the philosopher's stone.
Syntax: LC NEWS.
All members of the Loremaster profession save those under probation and yet to complete their apprenticeship may type LC NEWS to view the latest bulletins / profession-wide occurrences from the Council of Lore, including individual requests and acquisitions of Opalescence or Skymastery (in addition to Lorecouncil member support and/or veto) along with changes to laws and Lorehead, Lorecouncil (as a whole) and individual Council-member broadcasts of public import.
Each individual on the Lore Council has the same voting powers. However, for the purpose of focusing the council's efforts, dialogue with the Gods and announcement of council decisions - as well as leading the council's attention - there is a Head of the Lore Council; the most senior loremaster professional in Avalon. This supreme Loremaster is chosen by universal suffrage of all active council members, one member one vote, using the ASSENT, REJECT and NEUTRAL declaration commands. Amongst other powers, the Head of the Lore Council sets the requirements for specialisations and represents the whole profession in any formal dialogue. See LC LAWS to review the profession's current specialisation regulations.
Type this whenever you wish to check on the status of one of your applications for entry into one or other of the specialisations.
If you are a member of the Council of Lore then you can type this command to receive a further helpfile containing command-list and descriptions so you can manage applications, support, veto and review council news etc.
Syntax: LORECOUNCIL WHO (or LCW for short).
Shows you members of the Lore Council visible and in Avalon with you at any given point in time.