There was a time, before Avalon itself, when KILL was the one and only command for fighting. It would be typed once (e..g. KILL LYSAER) and depending who had most experience points with a bit of random thrown in, the outcome was decided, the 'fight' described in automatic text and the result imposed. Some lands had the loser surrender half his/her experience (20% of the loss to the victor), a few were more draconian still: lose in a 'fight' if it was you did the KILL command, you got deleted. End of game. This did not matter so much in an era before "characters" but was still rather a slap to lose a name and any experience collected!
Avalon sits at the other end of the spectrum when it comes to layered, nuanced fight-system complexity. Combat is central to Avalon and the KILL command is a bit of an anchronism since the most useful reply the gamesystem could give would be "Yes. Good. And which of the 185 opening attacks would you like your character to carry out?" and then if KILL was typed again "OK, you want to kill, this is clear, so we'll make it easier..." the gamesystem would respond by trying to guess. Every few seconds:
"Do you wish to lead the enemy up high into the sky and let him drop to his death?" No answer. "What about lure him onto the bridge of flames?" Nothing. "Loose floodwaters to drown the opponent?" Silence. "Set a ticking time-bomb seeing stone detonation?" Blank reply. Gamesystem speeds up, one every second:
"Would you like to lay a slayer trap", "Would you like to throw a punch?" "How about a kick?" "Would you like to scythe the enemy?" "Do you wish to hurl a fireball?" "Would you like to try an absolution?" "Is it a cleave you'll be wishing to try?" "Can I interest you in a handburning?" "You're a throttling type then?" "Then surely a poison spitter?" "Let's see, a fatal voice of command?" "A deadly aria to chase down the foe?" "You'll be wanting to dance up an armageddon ritual, am I right?" "Then surely the Candescence brilliance, your bread and butter?" "Hmm. You want to send your loyal steed to do the deed?" "A demonic persecution?" "A smoking garland of jegga to bring about the slay?" "Mystic burning?" "Blackhand evocation?" "Splashing an acidic elixir?" "Loose an arrow through the enemy's heart?" "Well-judged slices, death by bleeding?" "Spear hurled from afar?" "Lighting strike from above?" "Trampled underfoot by ..."
At this point the gamesystem throws up its arms (in a virtual sense) and gives the Avalon prompt; to let you make the action happen. No experience fighter will use the KILL command except when clowing around or to finish off a combat, as a way to show off matador-like disdain for the fallen opponent. What the KILL command does is it selects from the general direct physical attacks available to you, of the most basic types, the one most likely to suit; and tries to execute it. This means a choice between punching and kicking, jabbing and bashing, shooting (arrows) and throwing projectile weapons at the enemy specified. Not ideal. Here are the KILL related ability commands in more detail:
Fisticuffs based (see HELP FISTICUFFS):
KILL <name> Strikes a blow with your fists.
PUNCH <name> Tries to knock <name> for six.
HIT <name> Attempts to knock <name> for seven and a half.
KICK <name> Sets about your opponent with the toe of your booty!
SLAP <name> Attempts to give your opponent a good slap.
THROW <item> AT <target> (see HELP THROWING)
Attack from distance or close using sharp projectile.
Swordplay based (per HELP SWORDPLAY):
JAB <thing> - Attacks somebody with SLASH weapons.
BASH <thing> - Attacks somebody with CRUSH weapons.
Survival or guild-skill based (see HELP ARCHERY):
SHOOT <thing> - Attacks somebody with a BOW and ARROWS.