The "fullprompt" is an extension to your character prompt (which typically begins as a single dash or - character) and is covered in HELP FULLPROMPT: you can attach vital statistics like health, mana, as well as numerous letter codes denoting key defences (such as fire resistance 'f' or levitated 'l') to build an at-a-glance summary of your character's core state of readiness. This can be the difference between life and death if involved in combat.
Syntax: PROMPT <variable name code>
There are also many variables you can include in your prompt. PROMPT followed by the variable (e..g. PROMPT HLT or PROMPT MOM) toggles the inclusion on or off on your prompt.
Tells the game where you want your inclusions info (if you have any active) - before or after the full prompt and main prompt text. See HELP PROMPT for more details on all of this. PROMPT RESET removes all inclusions.
Syntax: PROMPT ON/OFF <variable> to add or remove from your inclusions.
Use PROMPT RESET to reset your prompt to normal conditions or PROMPT STAT to see current variables that make up your "fullprompt" inclusions. You have up to ten slots available.
NOTE: type PROMPT ABOVE to always place your personalised prompt above the Avalon prompt/fullprompt; PROMPT BEFORE to put the [info] before fullprompt info/codes and PROMPT AFTER to place the [info] immediately after the fullprompt info/codes.
Lists all prompt inclusion variables with your current up-to-date settings.
x="plypositioning" y="plysurrounded" @ a="countexits" b="countexits -"
x=number of spaces y=number of folks close @ a=number of exits b=free spaces?
CIR "CIRCLING" names of those close-by + number of spaces left or NONE for nobody close-by
Some of the variables deserve explanation:
See also HELP PROMPT and HELP FULLPROMPT for more insight into using the prompt for at-a-glance vital info.