Doctoring is a form of advanced Healing, executed in conjunction with the carnia herb. It is particularly useful for the healing of permanent injury or 'long wounds' and is carried out primarily by members of the Druid profession (Animists or Druids Guild). See HELP WOUNDS for information on these 'long wounds' or permanent injuries. The doctor acts, in essence, as a healing focus for carnia-infusions; gathering the benefits of the carnia resilience to pinpoint the 'long wound' and effect its permanent removal. The DOCTOR command is the controlled catalyst for the process.
The doctoring process is as follows:
1. a dose of carnia is either administered beforehand to the patient, or carnia must have been recently taken by the patient so it is in his/her system.
2. the doctor ensures the patient has a source-affliction, i..e. an affliction appropriate to the 'long wound' and ideally derived from the 'long wound' effects.
3. the patient should ideally be infused with carnia in the appropriate area of the 'long wound'.
4. the doctor holds prepared carnia in-hand and issues the DOCTOR command, sparking the process of attack-to-heal the 'long wound'.
Success or failure of the doctoring should be clear in a matter of seconds after the issuing of the DOCTOR commands. It is not always succcessful but even the most incompetent or unknowledgeable of doctors has a one in ten chance of successful healing of the 'long wound'. Many factors improve this chance and the best doctors have the art honed to a certainty. Doctoring is improved by carrying out the procedure in a healing location: the Animist Grove, the Druid's hillock, before the Altar in Genesis' temple in Archangel, Mercinae's houses of healing on Moon Street, to name but a few.
See HELP WOUNDS and HELP CARNIA to read the other helpfiles documenting this important area of character health and healing.