Carnia is a beautiful orange flower with marvellous and wholly unique herbal healing properties. It is known as the memory-healer. Its healing properties depend mostly on the afflictions you actually have ranged alongside whatever healing infusions you have managed to add to your bloodstream. On its own, without preparation, carnia does nothing. In the hands of a healer or when used with astute forethought, it is the only herb capable of curing four serious and separate afflictions in the same instant; with just one application of the herb.
Bear in mind that 'afflictions' refer to actual physical or mental effects (e..g. asthma, broken legs) rather than any tedencies to be afflicted (e..g.. longwounds or permanent injuries) or subconscious plagues (e..g. bardic ditty). Carnia can be used to cure the non-symptomatic aspect of an affliction too, but this must be considered as two different sides to the flower's miracle healing. NB: antidote potion purges carnia effects but not carnia bloodstream infusions.
How to infuse your blood with carnia; against multiple afflictions:
You take a first dose of carnia at some point during the day - usually just prior the sunrise - a little before to the announcement of a new Avalon day (and date). The carnia dose you have applied will, if you have no previous infusions, be activated by the Sun and the dawn. It will infuse into your bloodstream. The flavour of the infusion is decided entirely by you: the afflictions active at the time of sunrise dictate the content of the dawn infusion. Example: if you are asthmatic and have a disabled left leg, these afflictions will be latched onto by the carnia and thus you will be carnia-infused against asthma and afflictions disabling your left leg/foot.
NOTE: carnia cannot infuse against more than three or four specific regions of afflicted-potential but bear in mind infusions in the legs/feet or arms/hands count as just one even if you infuse your left AND right legs or left AND right arms. Example: if you infuse both legs and both arms, you only use two rather than four of the carnia infusion potential. Not publicly published but proven by great combat exponents over the years: carnia infusions can function in combination to engender extra layers of healing and counteractive measures.
If you have no afflictions, the carnia will disperse harmlessly. If you have too many afflictions you risk overloading the carnia infusion and rendering all impotent: three or four is a plausible maximum for carnia infusions to handle.
Do not think that once you have infused your bloodstream against - as in the example before - you will be immune to those afflictions. What the carnia infusion means is that you will be "ready" to tackle the potentially dangerous injuries should they come up in future. Each subsequent time you APPLY CARNIA it will use your infused blood to attack the apposite afflictions: and instantly cure them, concurrently, whether there is just one or multiple. All will be healed at once. As a strategic herb, carnia is one of the most potent and influential.
NOTE: once you have your bloodstream infused with carnia, you will need to position yourself in a suitable location should you wish to change the flavour of the infusion (i..e. alter the afflictions you are prepared against). Suitable locations for empowering the carnia to replace previous infusions - providing you have afflictions present for the lately APPLY CARNIA dose to latch onto - are those with panoramic vista: locations whose atmospheric type SURVEYs as "Vantage" or regions of the skies without accessible ground locations like those over the ocean or over the large mountain ramparts.
An important secondary effect of having bloodstream infused with carnia is the constant counteraction of typical effects of those longwounds or permanent injuries. Carnia infusions keep the detrimental effects at bay, e..g. if you are carnia-infused in your legs but have permanent injuries to your legs or feet, the carnia will not (of its own accord) cure the longwound itself but it WILL ensure your symptoms stay dormant: you will not keep falling unbalanced, or finding your bones a-breaking.
Healing of the permanent injuries or "longwounds" can be done in one of three feasible ways: find a friendly Animist or Druid and seek a 'doctorin'; learn the affliction combination plus carnia infusion whose overall pattern conspires to allow you, on your own, to apply a final carnia to heal the longwound without help; or consult the mostly highly skilled Bards since the orchestral healing if suitably supported is able to match some of the practical healing powers of the natural Healing-skill professional.
See HELP WOUNDS and HELP DOCTORING for the other helpfiles covering this important area of character health and defence.