Rangers tend to be good aligned, closely tied to the city of Mercinae by tradition at least and renowned as the most potent powerbase outside of the great cities.
Founded on the 1st of Springflower 819 by Maedhros, the Rangers are located in Greenwood. They have the profession of Loremaster and the guild alignment of Neutral
Rangers are sturdy, physically tough, rural folk. They make their home often outside the large cities and live off the land. Rangers are skilled in the arts of herbalism and poisons - they know the forests and the wilderness well. They are trained in Forestry and Stealth, able to spring unnoticed from the forest to surprise and vanquish unruly intruders. Rangers, like the Thieves, are well versed in the area of Trapping. They are excellent hunters - harkening back to the leadership of Maedhros Allendil, first Ranger and legendary Huntsman. Rangers are also fine fighters, they are competent archers and cunning adversaries.
The modern Rangers Guild was founded in the early eighth century at the centre of the Greenwood forest by Maedhros Allendil, then Lord Maedhros of the Grove. During their hey-dey the guild was the vibrant hub of active resistance against the evil wildlands. Eventually Maedhros enjoyed accession to the ranks of the divine, and the guild fell back into a less busy, but nevertheless potent and active force. Traditionally Rangers have concerned themselves with the defence of the city of Mercinae and the civilised villages of the eastern Greenwood. They are the first line of defence against the goblins, the foul beasts of the Cult and from invasion by the cities of the north. Rangers are therefore grizzled, hardy folk. They offer protection to those travelling through the forests and have the skill to fight away even the most mighty of enemies.
Rangers love the forests, the freedom of unmolested exploration and blissful relaxation. Rangers fight like bears to defend their loves for once crossed they are enemies for life.
The Rangers guild was founded in the early seventh century at the centre of the Greenwood Forest by Maedhros Allendil, first Ranger and legendary Huntsman who later enjoyed accession to the ranks of the divine. Like Him, they are excellent hunters being well-versed in Trapping. However, it is the Ranger's unsurpassed expertise in Forestry and Poisons that make them most formidable.
They are at their strongest and most powerful while within the forests themselves, drawing healing powers along with skill in Herbalism. Rangers are able to spring unnoticed from those leafy environs to surprise and vanquish unruly intruders with their prowess in art of Stealth.
They thrive and prosper in symbiotic harmony with their natural surroundings - when the wildlands of Avalon suffer, so does the Ranger. Because of this interdependence with nature, Rangers avow to protect and cultivate that which offers so much in return.
These grizzled, hardy folk serve as active resistance against the evil looming in the wildlands. They act as the first line of defence of the city of Mercinae and the civilised villages of the eastern Greenwood against the goblins, the foul beasts of the Cult and dark threats from the north.
They are strong combatants, expert archers and cunning champions that will fight fiercely for their beliefs and loves. A Ranger can be a powerful ally or a deadly enemy. The choice is yours.
The ranger art of the forests, the woodland ways both offensive and defensive.
Plants and flora to cure, heal and aid in all aspects of life.
Insight into finding and preparing harmful poisons to thwart the forest's enemies.
A full range of traps - preparation, laying and priming, to catch enemies' unawares or without resistance.
Full insight into the stealthy code, lurking, hiding, ambushing, silent movement and cat-like reflexes.
The precise location of the Rangers Guild is kept secret - the main guildhouse is in the Greenwood Forest to the west of the village of Eleuesis though the guild has presences in the city of Mercinae (by Park Elienna) and in the northern forests.