The Guild of Mages is the original magic-using guild in the land. It has always been closely aligned to the city of Mercinae, a bastion of good, loving folk.
Founded on the 1st of Cloudburst 805 by Maedhros, the Mages are located in Mercinae. They have the profession of Mage and the guild alignment of Good
The Mage is the purest of magic users. He learns the traditional realms of magic and magical rituals, in addition to a healthy mix of musical, spiritual and herbalist abilities. Mages vary greatly in character from the dominant to the passive. All thirst for knowledge and to expand their abilities, and the greatest among them are unequalled by any of the other magical guilds in the field of battle. Becoming a skilled Mage, though, takes time and effort - more so than many of the other guilds. Rewards for this diligence are great and numerous.
The Mages Guild is second only to the Knights in age, and was originally founded by Cornelius the ancient god of magic. They are based in the old city of Mercinae near to Park Elienna. The Mages Guild have, over the past few centuries, developed a reputation for their stance against the goblin and enemy hordes. In the defence of Mercinae during the divine war, it was the Mages who fortified the walls of the city for many months against the evil armies. In recent years, the role of the Mages guild has been no less crucial to the survival of Mercinae as one of the dominant cultures. Mages must have strong determination to succeed, patience to learn, and a keen mind to use their complex and powerful skills.
The Mages Guild was established as a less aggressive, more cerbral alternative to the Knights over a century and a half ago. The guild embraces those who seek peace, not war, though retain the heart to battle for it if necessary. It is a guild of mutual support and close membership.
The Mages are the solid foundation of Mercinae, together with the Knights and Alchemists. They form the first of three pillars in society that dictate whether Mercinae's heart and ideals exist and affect the world. In short, those three pillars are the honour and pride of the Knights, the industry and fortitude of the Alchemists, and the shining light and immense power of the Mages. The other two are worthless without the power to effect the will of Mercinae.
While Mages are capable of being lone fighters of great power or indispensable support to other citizens, they are first and foremost the hellfire and the searing icestorm flashing across the midnight sky of Mercinae's enemies. Whether alone or in unison, the Mages are juggernauts of immense strength who can - and, without hesitation, will - vanquish droves of assailing enemies without breaking a sweat.
The Mages Guild exists as a defender of Justice and Light, upholders of Truth, and seekers of KNowledge and Wisdom. The Mages Guild defends its city and its own. It is a high calling, with many responsibilities, yet it is a calling that can be achieved by those possessed of patience, determination, and wit.
This enables you to learn, chant and cast magical spells of a specific type.
This gives you the ability to create powerful magics in a given area.
The skill of light-weaving, for both defensive and powerful attacks.
Your ability to play musical instruments and bring about enchantments through them.
Head to the far south of Cassiandora Square and then head east in the direction of Park Elienna. About halfway between the square and the park there is a shimmering statue. To the north of the candescent statue is the guildhouse.