How do I develop my skills?
Skill development in Avalon is primarily through lessons and learning. Lessons are gained over time (around four per hour) or through procurement.
Displays how many lessons you have available before becoming saturated with learning, whether you have any procured-potential lessons available and whether your character's current state of well-being, and location are suitable for lesson gain. Lesson gain is restricted in holy locations of four or more deity marks, and in all locations of total safety such as barracks, commodity stores or shop stockrooms.
2002h, 2002m aex --- lessons
You can learn 760 lessons before reaching saturation point.
Current location "Path entrance" is OK for lesson gain.
Lesson gain is not possible in locations of holy marking 4 or more.
Your character is in a state to accumulate lessons.
Syntax: LEARN < skill> FROM < teacher>
Once you have found yourself a willing teacher (or your guild tutor) this command requests from them a lesson in the skill you have specified. Assuming your teacher agrees, the lesson will begin and proceed through a lesson-script unique to the skill you are learning.
Lessons generally take around a minute to complete and reduces your available lessons by one (unless the darsurion herb is used - see below).
Example lesson
2002h, 2002m aex --- learn demonology from gauthnamaur
"Come! I will train you," says Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer begins by assuring you that Demonology is the mightiest of Arts.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer informs you that a special cauldron is necessary to perform the summoning ritual.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer explains that a Demon must be summoned from the Planes beyond by the creation of a magical Gate.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer details the creation of a Gate to you, the addition of gold to the bubbling cauldron.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer reminds you that the different mists will bring forth different Demons.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer cautions you on summoning Demons beyond your might to control.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer explains that as you rise in Demonology, the number of Demons you can summon also increases.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer reminds you that the Demon will be loyal, and should be ordered around.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer tells you that the summoning of a Demon results in considerable loss of mental energy.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer cautions you against summoning a Demon without sufficient mental reserves.
2002h, 2002m aex
Gauthnamaur the Sorcerer nods, satisfied that your lesson is complete.
Your demonology skill has risen to Legendary.
The LEARNING command gives you up to date information on the effects of lessons as they pertain to your individual character; including up to date specifics on crowned skill progression (see HELP ULTIMATE) and lesson gain.
Darsurion, rellick and furglewort
The darsurion herb enhances your ability to absorb lessons. When it is consumed, you will typically have around an hour to an hour and a half to make use of its benefits. When learning lessons with darsurion active, each learning session uses up three lessons but gives a benefit equivalent to five. It is therefore common practice in Avalon to ensure that all learning is done under the effects of darsurion to maximise your learning potential.
The furglewort and rellick herbs also act as lesson-enhancers. Where they differ from darsurion, however is they increase lesson speed instead of lesson potency. To gain the benefits of rellick for your learning, you will need to consume one for every learning session you undertake. The furglewort herb can only be used irregularly, though its benefits last an entire Avalon day (around an hour) and increases lesson speed dramatically.
Calls upon your city's divine globe to increase the potency of your lessons. This bestows similar benefits to the darsurion herb and the two can be used simultaneously.
How can I measure my progression?
Within Avalon there are three oracles located in various places in the world. One is hidden, one resides in the Room of the Stars in the ruins of Ilmarael and the third inhabits the tavern along the eastern highway. These oracles are able to discern with precision your progress in a given skill toward its next rank.
Syntax: ASK ORACLE followed by the name of the skill
Asks the oracle about the specified skill. In response, the oracle will tell you how close you are to the next rank in that skill.
2002h, 2002m aex --- ask oracle chivalry
An oracle looks into the altar for a moment, before revealing that you are 33% of the way to the next skill level.