Field Marshalls of Avalon, check out HELP MARSHALL which has been made
a little shorter, and brought up to date with the MILITARY command (it
replaces COLONEL) and the new military rank \"General\".
The gig is: Field Marshall can promote colonels to General rank and in
doing so, give the General(s) pretty much all the FM commands to share
except stuff like declaring occupation/conquest. FM/Generals can command
legions set to 'authority figures'. The lower rank is colonel and this
is as it's always been. Colonels can command legions set to 'military
but not those reserved for 'authority figures'.
Field Marshall aides can also be given out or removed via the MILITARY
command. Simple way to think about FM Aides versus Colonels is the aides
can enlist, use barracks fully, see battle/soiactions etc; the colonels
are about legion command and battlefield action without the 'admin' side.
All non LW citizens can type MILITARY on its own to show up a nice
little display of the city's military structure from Field Marshall and
Generals, thru colonels and aides. Have a look.
Written by my hand on the 22nd of Springflower, in the year 1281.