Some info about Huorns.

Genesis, the god of timeto Everyone

Three things everyone should be aware of: fortifications, which were

always supposed to be able to strike back against legions able to

strike THEM (albeit at reduced potency if the besieging legion is

further away) can now do so. If anyone wants to experiment with this

on the battleisle I'm happy to set up fortifications and situation

for them to do so. Just ask.

Anyone involved in warfare will have now noticed the effectiveness

of the tree legions that'd been hanging around the various forests for

the past month or two. HELP BESIEGING has useful info here but one piece

of legion-intelligence I've introduced is as follows: if a legion is

attacked by huorns (tree legions) it will - if not otherwise engaged -

deploy to besieging and sometimes lumberjacking all available resources

and attempt to strike back of its own accord. The legion will need

at least a bit of equipment to carry out the besieging or the

lumberjacking: otherwise it will be impotent. Axes have been made

much less costly to produce in light of their new importance.

Some of you will also have noticed the effects of flooding. It wouldn't

be fair to speak too much about the ins and outs of diverting the

flood against opposing legions but I'm going to keep up HELP FLOODING

with important info; and if it everyone would prefer I can make the helpfile

more revealing of the subtleties/methods available rather than leaving

it for y'all to discover. Let me know directly in-game what your preferences


Written by my hand on the 10th of Mournsend, in the year 1267.