Just so everybody's in the know: tribute potential from your sphere of
occupation or conquest is evaluated at the start of each Avalon
year. This is then collected over the year, providing you don't find
your legions/flags dislodged. You will be able to review the
tribute potential and all the details of your sphere for each
Avalon year using the TRIBUTE command followed by the Avalon
year, e.g. TRIBUTE 1251 to see tribute potential and then
collection for the year 1251.
Bear in mind: conquest tribute is greater than occupation tribute. Mere
sphere of influence without occupation exacts no more tribute than
it's always done (as shown in ACTIONS). Amount of tribute and its
collection is greatly affected by the number of legions you have
on the occupied soil, though you'll get plenty even from passive
Written by my hand on the 16th of Eleuthral, in the year 1261.