Treaty between Thakria and Springdale.

Zenichiro, Master of Loreto Everyone

1) TERMS - The duration of this treaty is 25 (Avalon) years.

2a) The cities of Springdale and Thakria and their related guilds will not engage in any warfare related offensives between each other, nor aide another city in any warfare related offensive against the other by supplying troops, commodities or ration


2b) The city of Springdale and its related guilds shall not be allowed to house any troops outside of the city limits. Furthermore, no foreign troops shall be allowed within Springdale city limits for the duration of the treaty.

3) FAR ATTACK - Prophets will not far attack into Thakrian city limits for the duration of the treaty. The Seers agree not to far attack the stock room of the General store or the Springdale Mission.

4) STAVES - Springdale citizens will not fell staves, or assist in the felling of staves within Thakrian city limits.

5) NON-INTERFERENCE - Springdale will not interfere in the ploughing, planting, and/or harvesting of ANY field marked by Thakria's flag for the duration of this treaty. Likewise, Thakria will not interfere in the ploughing, planting, and/or harvesting

of ANY field marked the Springdale flag for the duration of this treaty.

Continued in next post

Written by my hand on the 3rd of Hindyear, in the year 1091.