Pacifist Quest Ranking (Year 990)

The Divine Heraldto Everyone

Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.

    1. Dashing Diocletian, Pirate of the Eastern Seas.
     2. Griswald, Disco Master.
     3. Mystra, the white-robed Dryad.
     4. Tipsy, but only Slightly Drunk.
     5. Ingens.
     6. Lady Alleria, the Peaceful Paladin.
     7. Taliesin.
     8. Alchemist Ulyssis the Ultimate.
     9. Ixpah, The Redeeming Tempest.
    10. Fit Finley of Springdale.
    11. Laguz, Student of Lore.
    12. Kethos, Sapling of the Bedilliam.
    13. Kharnak, of the Mounds.
    14. Doraemon the Bard.
    15. Zib Klibzet.
    16. Druid Seithern of Springdale.
    17. Mage Sinda the Spelless.
    18. Giliad Silverhand.
    19. Druidess Wolfsong.
    20. Twiga of the Knights.

Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.