Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.
1. Taliesin.
2. Guinni.
3. Wizard Rikki Tikki Tavi OAP.
4. Lumiere d'Argent Eilan the Fairy, Torinaiden.
5. Pontus.
6. Galadriel, Once Risen Twice Shy.
7. Talisker, the Solipsist.
8. Honourbound Corinadien.
9. Erotic Ailiana, Ritual of Temptation.
10. Vintersorg, The Wicker Man.
11. Rhapsody.
12. Sapling Vargo, the Virtuous Visionary.
13. Druidess Astlebe, the Mercurial One.
14. Artisan Angharad, Amazon of Parrius.
15. Druidess Ladymidnight, Forest Nymph.
16. Sapling Meryt, The Ever Curious.
17. Alchymista Aquilina.
18. Egwene.
19. Belgareth.
20. Druidess Elanna, Beleuchten die Nacht.
Rhadamanthys, god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.