This is something I have thought long and hard about,
especially as I know it is soemthing I have done in the past, without ever questioning the ethics of it, on my part.
I am not professing to be a leading authority on this, and it is purely my opinion (just so no-one can start a raging battle claiming it to be anything other than the way I lead my own life).
I don't think it is unethical to summon some-one, if they request it, as a pacifist.
I have no argument with people fighting, I just choose to live my life not getting involved in violence.
If someone does request a summon, I am not always aware if they are fighting (although in that situation it is more than likely the case), and will often summon them, so that I can be of aide, to someone I normally class as a friend.
Normally people only ask to be summoned, if they are being jumped. This is a practise I disagreed with, on principle, and so will happily aide someone in that situation.
If, however they are in a challange I don't think summoning is either appropriate, and is highly unethical.
Thank you for bringing this subject up, it has certainly made me think about y own actions more fully, and how they can be interpreted. It has always made me more aware of the unwritten rules of pacifim.
(damn all these unwritten rules!!)
I would be interested in seeing other peoples opinions on the matter, and indeed if you wish to share them, you own Lord Rhadamanthys. *curtsey*
Laiquendai, considering her actions for this event in future.
Written by my hand on the 21st of Skyelong, in the year 1077.