This is a very difficult issue. I feel, and have acted so in the past, that if someone is in an impossible position (such as a single person drug into a room of people to be teamed where others can not get to him) and I am the loremaster around for h
im or her to call to, then I will attempt to summon or send a portal. However that is very rare, as I do not and will not abuse the priviledge of being pacifist by interferring in normal combat.
I also feel that an \"honest\" lw who is attacked could be protected, however I emphasize honest and again it is difficult as you do not know, for example, if the younger player has been telling vulgarities to the bigger player, or if the supposedly you
nger player is a second or third of a character who knows how to play and behave, then that player has to take the consequences.
I think it is a delicate balance between helping where we honestly think it is deserved and honoring the non-combatant role of a pacifist. It could be terribly abused if it were sanctioned to interfere if we wanted to. I have in the past explained m
y steps \"over the line\" to a god, either my patron or another, anytime I did so.
I think we should say we DO not do it rather than we CAN not do it.
Written by my hand on the 26th of Paglost, in the year 1077.