Avalon Server Migration.

Genesis, the god of timeto Everyone

For the sixth time in its history Avalon is upgrading from its trusty

old server (now some five years plus out of date) to a selection of new

all-singing, all-dancing machines to handle its website, mail and most

importantly the game. It may prove to be splendid timing with the demands of

warfare and the land in a gradual expansionist period right now, the old

machine may have exploded under the pressure.

The date of the changeover is scheduled as the 28th. Our internet service

provider is undertaking a seamless migration - this means Avalon will be shut

down for a matter of minutes while some speedcopying is completed, at which

point it will be reborn on the new machines with everything having been

brought over from the old. You will be able to play again as if nothing had

happened. It is likely only those who remember high bandwidth events like

ordinations will have struck times when Avalon was genuinely pushing the

speed of its medieval current server but this will no longer be even close to

an occurrence for future ordinations under the new server, plus it allows a

far more suitable environment for warfare to come live - the great test

worldwar will occur on the new machines; perhaps the first largescale event

to do so.

If, after the 28th, you experience any problems you've not encountered before

- and java users and those coming in from Europe particularly keep eyes open

for unusual behaviour - bring this immediately to the attention of the

deities (ideally me, Apollo, Sebastian or Aldaron if any of us are around).

We should experience nothing but benefit from this move-over. The migration

could be perfect and smooth and under a minute's disruption, or it could have

teething problems on Monday the 28th. Bear with the latter; we will mend

anything that crops up promptly enough.

Written by my hand on the 25th of Cloudburst, in the year 1215.