Today the curtain rises on the second of the series of 'major events' we
are adding into Avalon over the coming months. The 'Divine Globes of
Avalon' quest is now active and in each of the four city's patron deity's
temple you will now find a great globe. These artifacts are now
accumulating an impression of each home city, a distillation of a vast
range of success and failures by the citizenry year by year.
Detailed information about the purpose of the divine globes, how you
interact with them and how you may call upon their powers can be found
in a trio of helpfiles: HELP GLOBES, HELP GLOBEIDEALS and HELP
From this point on all citizens and all events within a city's walls
will be monitored by the globe. Each year the globe will accumulate
power based on the positive and negative acts of the citizenry. Each
year, on the New Year's Day, the globe will offer a portion of its power
to the citizens of its city. This 'power' is the sum of the past ten
Avalon years of globe-vigilance; a reflection of the trials and
tribulations of city-life. All citizens may use the globe's power until
it has been depleted for the year and, once depleted, all citizens must
wait again until the New Year before the decade of distilled passions
coalesce once again whereby the globe's power is replenished. And so it
Pay particular attention to HELP GLOBEIDEALS for it contains information
on how to call upon your globe to witness, to heighten its attentions
for a short period - ideally during a time of great activity and
achievement organised by the leaders of the city. Something to
experiment with, since adverse events are as damaging to the globe while
it is in witness-mode as successes are beneficial.
Now, under normal circumstances the globes would need a full ten Avalon
years to have gathered sufficient information ready to gift an
appropriate portion of its might to its people. Rather than leave
mortalkind waiting for so long, however, the Olympians have bestowed
upon each globe eight years and a few months worth of distilled potency.
And thus from the New Year after the one coming, the divine globes will
blaze forth from their altars, awaiting instruction where to direct its
diverse powers. This is, of course, a one-off and year by year the
globes will replace the eight equal-worth year-summaries with a genuine,
entirely citizen-fuelled year... until, a decade hence, the globes are
and will remain a living embodiement of the history and impact of each city
on the great continent of Avalon.
Sebastian, the keeper of the scrolls
Written by my hand on the 3rd of Mournsend, in the year 1199.