
Simon Templarto Sir Jander, Pillar of Mercinae

Laugh... You are a pathetic worm, i guess that would be more a reason than not for singling you out. No my reason is i grew tired of the constant Idling and people shouting to get your attention. Smile It is fairly obvious when i can push you into the

water to drown.something i heard from another seer type. Also the fact that you wear a Sir title only days after your enlistment, It is funny that your Guildmaster would send you out to die without the proper skills to defend and fight as one would t

hink a person carrying the \"Sir \" title should have. If my tormenting offends you in any way. i am happy, for tormenting souls is what i enjoy best. May darkness and vengeance be mine sayeth Xanthe goddess of Vengeance <BOW>

Simon ,the Oracles son

Written by my hand on the 22nd of Ilmarael, in the year 1012.