I think you mistook my message.
I don't think it is unfair in the least to lead city and guild CCCs into battle, even under the circumstances of a challenge.
I was just pointing out that, in the most shining examples of player combat, such as the Divine Ruby tournament, people may not be allowed the use of thier guild and city CCCs.
If a person gets used to having that special CCC scythe malloran every few seconds, and suddenly find themselves without the CCC, they might regret thier dependance on that power.
The way I look at it, fighting with CCCs and fighting without them are two different forms of fighting, just as fighting nounted and fighting on foot are totally different.
In the end, the player that can excell at all forms of combat will be the victor.
Written by my hand on the 2nd of Paglost, in the year 999.