
I agree with all the points you've made, however, Amygdala gets beaten

because he's utterly incompetent, i'd be quite happy to wager 100,000 gold

on Zenichiro being able to kill him 10 times, at the minimum, in the time it

would take Amygdala to slay Zenichiro only 5.

I would expect Zenichiro to do significantly better than this, obviously given

normal gem quest style rules, out of guilds, no CCCs... The only reason i'm only

willing to lay my 100,000 gold on Zenichiro being twice as effective as the mighty

Amygdala, and not Amygdala being utterly incapable of ever defeating him, is that

there are random factors involved in any combat, and i don't like to gamble.

Written by my hand on the 15th of Springflower, in the year 999.