Let us see. I fought thee, Gandalph, Kilthas, Jared, with a little help from Jebaman and Feros. Mostly alone, with help from Shakal and Plaman at the end. I shipped Kilthas, killed each of you at least once or twice, and died a few times myself.
Offhand, yes, I quite enjoyed it.
Since there really are not any non-Thakrians who can match me in single combat, it is much more fun for me to fight large groups. At least then someone is out of the pool, or their guild, or a barracks, or some other such hiding place.
So gather as many people as thou like, Weasal, thou will never see ME dp or hiding.
King Arthor, for more execution squads.
Written by my hand on the 26th of Paglost, in the year 995.