To kes, the upper landing is in the mages guild (in your city!). Also, if a fighter gets the chance to go into an enemy city and prepare that well - Kudos to them!
Teaming is a fact of life, and a fun one usually. It enables you to learn three very valuable things.
whirl blade
1) How to escape 2) How to fight 3) Teamwork
The last one is a especially important as some skills just beg for a partner, such as the situation where a mage has a peace rit up and if fighting a thief. Now a thief cannot counter this measure in anyway (unable to yank them) so get a knight in to
shieldrush. Personally, i love team fights, or execution squads and will join in them when asked.
Lastly, to set the record straight I am not a member of any city and as such am up for hire in almost any fight.
Weas, the amused.
ps. Arthor, enjoy dying all those times? Wait till i whip them into shape
Written by my hand on the 26th of Paglost, in the year 995.