My Post.

Shadowed Arikarr, The Undyingto Everyone

Well now, desired effect achieved methinks.

Just for mentioning my viewpoint, which DID NOT advocate cowardice,

I have been trashed and brow beaten today by everyone from the lowest

mortal to the Highest God.

Point well taken, I suppose, but someone had to say something.

Now, for those of you that understand english, go back, read it again and

not just the bits about running. As a general rule I don't run, but when

I do I don't make excuses. Thats what the post was about, not

the right or wrong of safety rooms. And if the Gods think they shouldn't

be used, The Gods should remove them.

Of course, this will just make life even easier for the comms thieves.

and those people with strange powers over doors... but seriously, is

that gonna make any difference to the game?

No, somehow I don't think so.

Arikarr, Feeling battered simply for playing his part.

Written by my hand on the 2nd of Cloudburst, in the year 988.