With every bit of respect for your viewpoint that a non-fighter can muster, lord:
Would you deities kindly remove safety rooms once and for all? They simply screw
up everything that is right with this land. Your points on the fighting front
are clear and don't need restating, and in addition, they completely louse up
(the safety locs, naturally, not your points!) questing, thief skills, etc.
If people need safe places to store comms, then they can DAMNED WELL DO THE WORK
required to protect them. It's frustrating enough at times that for every
single defense there's an offense that seems to bypass it entirely (and vice
versa), why should these stupid safety locs be allowed bypass all the otherwise
flawless <ahem> logic of Avalon's structure?
I sincerely hope that they can be abolished.
Written by my hand on the 2nd of Cloudburst, in the year 988.