Gond, if thou truely think Seers to be an inferior guild, not only are thou a twit, but should change guilds.
The point is, every attack of any guild has a defence. Pentacle or malloran against JJs, get indoors against Avrits, there is a cure for every poison a theif can spit at you.
There is NO defence against blessings. No one can hurt thee in a pool, except a seer abusing the fact that bullimia is a blessing.
I suggest thou learn how to fight, instead of finding a loophole that allows a skill more power than it was intended to have. The gods know, seers have plenty of them.
Seers are probably the second best guild in all of Avalon (second to Cavaliers of course) because of all the guilds, only seers win in a standoff or a tie.
So, complain to someone else, Gond, thou will get no sympathy from me.
Sir Arthor, feeling better.
Written by my hand on the 22nd of Eleuthral, in the year 987.