Bulimia - being abused??? WTF??!
Last time I checked my guild skills they were none too bad. However, we Seers
(at least we seers that haven't reached Ithakus' prowess with wax) have little to
fight with, even those with ULTS in guild skills. Seerdom is a subtle, dangerous art
that relies on timing and defense not face to face confrontation with heavily armored
Kinghts JJing every 10 seconds or thieves spitting a buttload of poison from a position
of absolute stealth. We also have no ability that matches the Av rit capability of a
powerful mage(s). In short, Seers are not cut out for face to face fighting and
are most dangerous from a distance. Bulimia is a standby for seers - it is effective
enough to DETER an attacker, but cannot kill (anyone hear about posoned arrows,
PROJECTION spells, yank?). Yes, it cuts through all defenses, yes it causes one to sip
allheale alot. What the hell did you expect though? If you fight a mage, who says they
must not PROJECT? What about sorcs? Are they to never sick their demons on someone
and then let them run off to ROLL them away (if they are lucky) or just perish if they
are not as lucky? Must the mage and sorc stay in the same loc as their victem as well?
Not too long ago, I was hit by an Av rit in my town square, the wizards were snug
and safe 30 locs away. I managed to learn who they were and \"blessed\" them a bit. We
reached a preaceful accord. A second time, a thief traved to my guild, I foiled the attempt, he
summoned me and shipped me. I broke DP to help a friend and spot him coming at me
again. Bulimia stopped him before he could get in range to summon me again. We also
came to an arrangement eventually. My mana is cheaper than his allheales.
What's the point? Mages dance their rits and CONVERGE them, sorcs prep with demons,
knights wield two swords that can scythe protections as well as deal massive damage,
thieves draw upon stealth, trickery, special movement, and complete suprise and share
the knights ability to wield bows and poisoned arrows. All of these skills make life
as a seer, um, interesting. All of these skills can cause death in a matter of seconds
to a seer caught face to face with a prepared foe. In response, the seer has curses
(we all know how ineffectual they are), waxes (slow but good ;) ) and the stone (handy
but not deadly). The one thing a seer can do to buy time is to bless bulimia to
get away or make other preperations. The one thing a seer can do to drive off a determined
foe is to find a strong defensive location and bless bulimia until a more favourable
agreement is reached. While this action is extreme, it is not used by any seer I know
in an offhand manner. But it is used, and should continue to be used, to protect
one's life, personal property or city.
Written by my hand on the 17th of Eleuthral, in the year 987.