
While I do not use emotes heavily in combat to set of triggers or to 'fool' what could only be idiots about what I am really doing, I am very much not in favour of adding in a balance. If you're stupid enough to trigger windpipe (for instance) then you deserve to eat all your ollso and be up a creek without a paddle.

While there are not many truly botted persons, there are enough people who trigger the odd item that removing the ability to spam out their triggers would be frustrating. I've seen sata/push triggers which could rape a loremaster fairly badly. i think removing the Loremaster's ability to redress the artificial imbalance caused by this totally unimaginative and skill-lacking solution is unreasonable and unnecessary.

That said, I also get frustrated with those who continually and perpetually spam emotes as a matter of routine. For instance, Eldereth's spamming of windpipe emote was just... Boring

Written by my hand on the 16th of Hindyear, in the year 1268.