In an increasingly 'spammy' world should it be considered good form and, more to the point, legal practice to use emotes in combat? It does not take a lot of imagination to work out how powerful this can be in the wrong hands. To me this is akin to a bug abuse, and personally, like most people I have never used them in fights.
They should be reserved for the role playing effects that I believe they were intended. Better yet, if they are allowed to be used as a fighting skill then perhaps only Bards and Minstrels should have them in their dramatics skill sets. That would bring some semblance of 'realism' to its existence.
There is a certain 'true fighter' thief that uses emotes extensively whenever he fights (cough) I mean jumps. I am not the first to notice this, in fact it is common knowledge throughout the land and the source of much ire and resentment.
Much to my bemusement, going over the latest log when jumped by this person, not only does he do the fandango and moon walk but also attempts to disguise his stab my tagging on fullparry emote, laughably proven by the line below taken from the log:
Someone crosses his arms in front of her to parry incoming blows.
Can anyone else see the error in the line above? This was followed in quick succession with a genuine back stab. Anyone who has come in contact with him knows who I mean. Even his city mates regard him as a 'bot' and 'abuser of bugs relating to trapping'. I would have thought this sort of thing would be a big no-no, especially for someone considering themselves a real fighter - like in the days when the odd wanker used to eat apples during fights for a quick health boost.
Personally I see no merit to emotes likes this, they only cause more spam, scrolling the screen unnecessarily - and if they are intended to fire enemy triggers, well it would have to be a pretty poor setup that could fool.
On a separate note it has been over 4 months since someone has posted on this section - and over 4 months between that last one and its predecessor. I wonder whether we are witnessing a death of the fighters board.
Sir Jander
Written by my hand on the 27th of Midsummer, in the year 1268.