top fighters.

Bounty Hunter Belgadethto Everyone

Knight...Old..... Arthor Recent...Krill, as I have not seen Trakea fight much since my return

Mage.....Old.....Fistandantilus Recent..... Tetsuo, although I have not seen Circe fight alot either, but hear good things.

Loremaster.......Old.....Koenen and Zenichiro in a tie Recent.....Zenichiro and Kodiak in a tie

Thief....... Old.....Shakal Recent..... Narissa

Brigand (or ranger profession if you prefer)..... Old.....Ender Recent..... Elmak, against certain professions

Seer.....Old.....Cordon Recent.....Esprii

Bard..... Old..... Culinane (I was barely a toddler when he last was about, but I knew Thakrians had a healthy fear of his ability) Recent.....Krystal, although Maximillian would come in a close second I'd imagine

Sorcerer.....Old..... Nafai Recent... Salvador, that's how you spell it properly Springtowners

Animists.....who cares? Animists should not even be mentioned in fighting, or am I missing something?

Written by my hand on the 19th of Leaflost, in the year 1197.