I won't bother with the all time, as I haven't been around long enough so for the time
Thief - Nari no question, although mention to Foxedup as I know how many good fighters have a mare with him.
Mage - Circe, as watching her march into Springdale with low skills and annhilate all ulters was quite phenomenal. Also her mobility as a mage has to have a mention.
LM - Kodiak or Zeni, Kodiak or Zeni... pffffffff. Heads or tails.
JJ - Maleki undoubtedly is the best i've seen in my time.
Bard - Max - once again best in my time
Seer - Cordon, was a while ago, but excessively good at twisting you up.
Animist - Rajj, I've never seen such relentless use of an unstoppable killing skill ever. Nor do I think we ever will unless Khashakin wants to take your mantle as all time waste of space... Oh, nice QQ on 320 health and completely twisted up earlier...
Sorc Salvador/Eldereth similar style both as dangerous as each other. As for the proposal of someone earlier that saroman takes it from either of them............... erm ......... ease up on the furglewort is my only suggestion to you.
Written by my hand on the 19th of Leaflost, in the year 1197.