fighters poll.

August, La Rongeurto Everyone

Loremaster - Kodiak recent and all-time winner...Honorable mention goes to Koenan (remember him?)

Mage- Fistandantilus all time. Now- not seeing anyone sparkling, but there are a lot of young mages honing their skills so I'm sure someone soon will emerge. Honorable mention goes to Aerian.

Seer- Cordon all time. Esprii now. Honorable mention going to Cthulhu who was just unkillable when he wanted to be.

Knight- 3 way tie for all time -Maleki with traps and flight, Dunccan with plain old swords, Threap with his farsight gem. Now? Trakea seems to be putting the hurt on. Honorable mention goes to Finbar and Krill for sheer tenacity.

Ranger - Belgadeth and Elmak seem to be tops now. Alltime? Threap with 2 gems. What was it, 4 afflictions with one attack, plus JJ? sheesh.

Thief- Narissa now and for a while, but alltime for me would be Shakal.

Sorceror - Salvador now, Threap all time.

Bard- Abydos was pretty amazing in her day. Nowadays, I guess would be Maximillian. Honorable mention going to Krystal for fighting dirty 100 percent of the time *laugh.

Animist- Now would be Lamothe who shows up after every challenge to ress people regardless whether they have life potion or not. All time? Zilveren for being cool as a cucumber. Honorable Mention going to Rajj for the ruckus he created.

Written by my hand on the 17th of Leaflost, in the year 1197.