fighters poll.

Sir Killinan de le Erinyes, Prodigal Sonto Everyone

I will only be posting on what I have seen since being here, therefore only current.

LM - gems aside, I think meerkat is the best lm fighter Ive face...though Kodiak could be, I just dont know If its the gem or not so i cant compare the two.

Mage - Ill catch hell for this one, but I will have to say Circe...though again the gem so could be Fistandantilus.

Seer - Esprii.

Knight - Beleive it or not I believe the most talented Knight is Limorien, though he is small so harder to tell.

Ranger - Bowdyn. I admit my experience is limited with rangers so forgive this if it seems biased.

Theif - Narissa.

Sorc - Considering the size difference and the fact that Salvadork still dies to him regularly Im going to disagree with Rajj and say Like Limorien for knights...the most talented sorc is saroman hands down.

Sorc - Considering the size difference and the fact that Salvadork still dies to him regularly Im going to disagree with Rajj and say Like Limorien for knights...the most talented sorc is saroman hands down.

Animist - I only know of one fighting animist, and that was rajj, so it would certainly be him.


Written by my hand on the 16th of Leaflost, in the year 1197.